James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA

The Founding Class following Initiation and Charter Ceremony, from back left: Brett Wilson, Evangeline "Evie" Korovesis, Claire Harvey, Cindy Colvin, Heather Worthley, Kristyn Huff, Sarah Young; from front left: Courtney Hixson, Megan Ashby, Katie Carden
Chapter History and Bio:
Founded: May 8, 2009
Founding Members: Megan Ashby, Katie (Carden) Silakowski, Cindy (Colvin) Colwell, Claire (Harvey) McAuliffe, Courtney Hixson, Kristyn (Huff) Gibson, Evie Korovesis, Brett (Wilson) Tubbs, Heather (Worthley) Fischer, Sarah Young
Chapter Contact Info:
Email Address:
Web Site:
Postal Address: 800 South Main Street, JMU Box 8225, Harrisonburg, VA 22807
Chapter Accolades:
2015 President’s Choice (Sarah Young)
2015 Chapter Choice “Trustee of the Year” (Sarah Young)
2015 Distinguished Chapter
2016-17 Spring Chapter of the Semester
2016 Mentor of the Year (Taylor Hudson)
2017 Chapter Choice “Trustee of the Year” (Claire McAuliffe)
2017 Distinguished Chapter
2018 Outstanding Shirt Design (Fall Retreat 2017)
2018 Outstanding Secretary (Callie Bechtol)
2018 Outstanding Vice President (Heather McKay)
2018 Outstanding Judicial Board Chair (Meredith Browder)
2018 Distinguished Chapter
2019 Distinguished Chapter
Chapter Fun Facts:
First chapter in Virginia
Hosted Convention 2014
Has national representation by Claire McAuliffe (trustee) and Taylor Hudson (mentor)
Past National Representation by Sarah Young (trustee)
Sarah Young assisted in the founding of Alpha Delta (Christopher Newport University) near her home in Yorktown, VA