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Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA

The Founding Class, from back left: Alyssa Elliott, Samantha Peeples, Laura Hancock, Amanda Jagnarian, Brooke Weston; from front left: Kelsey Brooks, Marissa Welch, Kalee Hammerton, Julie Woon, Brittany Heller

Chapter History and Bio:

Founded: Fall 2010

Founding Members: Kelsey Brooks, Alyssa Elliott, Kalee Hammerton, Laura Hancock, Brittany Heller, Amanda Jangarian, Samantha Peeples, Marissa Welch, Brooke Weston, & Julie Woon

Chapter Contact Info:

Chapter Accolades:

  • 2010-2011 Chapter Mile Award (most miles traveled by all convention chapter participants)

  • 2013 Fall Rose Chapter of the Season

  • 2014 Outstanding Alumna (Lindsay Turner)

  • 2015 Lily Award (Jillian Hooper)

  • 2016 Dove Award (Jillian Hooper)

  • 2017 Dove Award (Jillian Hooper)

  • 2019 Distinguished Chapter

Chapter Fun Facts:

  • Sarah Young helped found this chapter as an alumna of Alpha Alpha prior to being on National Board

  • Lindsay Turner, Alpha Delta alumna, attended Campbell University graduate school and assisted the founding of the chapter (Alpha Xi) before her work on National Board

  • Past National representatives: Lindsay Turner (trustee),  Hannah Caplinger (mentor), Jillian Hooper (mentor), and Victoria Sprenger (mentor)

  • Alumna Jillian Hooper is a photographer for the SAO quarterly magazine Dove Love

  • Chapter colors are lavender, white, and gold. 

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