University of West Georgia, Carrollton, GA
Chapter Accolades:
2012 Distinguished Chapter
2016 Annual Convention Superlative “Miss Congeniality” (Haley Brown)
2017 Annual Convention Superlative “Most Passionate” (Christina Fischer)
2017 Distinguished Chapter
2018 Distinguished Chapter
2020 Sister Achievement Award (Larissa Lles)
2021 Distinguished Chapter
The Founding Class, circa 2006
Chapter History and Bio:
Founded: March 2006
Founding Sisters: Candace Cline, Sabrina Frazier, Jamie Higgs, Hayley Johnson, Cassie Manley, Jennifer Mercier, Brittney O'Loughlin, Payton Rabbitt, & Crystal Stephens
Chapter Contact Info:
Email Address: pi@sigmaalphaomega.org
Website: https://saouwg.wixsite.com/saopi
Postal Address: 1601 Maple Street, P.O. Box 10145 Carrollton, GA 30118
Chapter Fun Facts:
Zac Brown of the Zac Brown Band is a notable alumnus
The University of West Georgia was founded as the Fourth District Agricultural and Mechanical School and was later renamed West Georgia College in 1933